zachary lucia


My goal is to guide the processes and mediums by which we tell our stories. Through composing music, defining engagement strategies, building community, managing the creative chaos of teams (amidst deadlines), or simply holding space for others to care and encourage their creative spark – facilitating storytelling is the core of everything I do. Translation; I thrive wearing many hats (metaphorical only, curly hair life).

Throughout my career I’ve been a part of some big stories – like Outlander, Marvel’s Agents of Shield, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite and The Outer Worlds – and passionate communities like Berklee and Teammates: Assistants for Media Composers.


Happy Death Day (Blumhouse Productions)
Doctor's Orders (Discovery)
Black Sails (Starz)
Tell No Tales (Short)
Wizards Unite (WB Games)
The Outer Worlds (Obsidian)
